» Publications
We've collected a list of publications from the Virginia Cooperative Extension below for your use. They deal with many common gardening questions, and we've found them quite helpful as we deal with various issues in our own gardens, and as we answer questions from other gardeners in our area.
If you'd like to browse other publications and resources, we recommend that you visit the main Virginia Cooperative Extension website.
Critters / Bugs / Insects / Diseases
- Spotted Lanternfly in Virginia
- Managing Wildlife Damage: Moles
- Home Grounds and Animals Pest Management Guide
- The Socrates Project - Poisonous Plants in Virginia
- Deer: A Garden Pest
Garden Preparation / Maintenance
- Gardening Equipment
- Building Healthy Soil
- Diagnosing Plant Problems
- Applying Pesticides Safely
- Backyard Composting
- Making Compost From Yard Waste
- Composting Your Organic Kitchen Waste With Worms
- Mulch Out, Not Up
Indoor Plants / Container Gardening
- Indoor Plant Culture
- Trees for Landscape Containers and Planters
- Vegetable Gardening in Containers
- Container and Raised-Bed Gardening
- Care of Specialty Potted Plants
- Maintenance Calendar for Warm-Season Turfgrasses in Virginia
- Maintenance Calendar for Cool-Season Turfgrasses in Virginia
- Establishing Lawns
- Selecting Turfgrass
- Choosing and Establishing Warm-Season Turfgrasses for Virginia Lawns,
- “Fall” Into Your Cool-Season Lawn: Selecting the Best Grass,
- Spring and Summer Lawn Management Considerations for Cool-Season Turfgrasses
- Spring and Summer Lawn Managemen Considerations for Warm-Season Turfgrasses
- Fall Lawn Care
- Mowing To Recycle Grass Clippings: Let the Clips Fall Where They May!
- Lawn Fertilization In Virginia
Perennials & Annuals
- Pruning Basics and Tools
- Pruning Shrubs
- Pruning Deciduous Trees
- Pruning Evergreen Trees
- Shrub Pruning Calendar
- Deciduous Tree Pruning Calendar
- Evergreen Tree Pruning Calendar
- Stop Topping Trees
Soil Test Kit - Soil Test kits (boxes and forms) are available at the Extension Offices
- Soil Sample Information Sheet for Home Lawns, Gardens, Fruits, and Ornamentals
- Soil Sampling For The Home Gardener
- Selecting Landscape Plants: Flowering Trees
- Trees For Hot Sites
- Fertilizing Landscape Trees and Shrubs
- Managing Winter Injury to Trees and Shrubs
- Trees for Landscape Containers and Planters
Vegetable / Fruit Gardening
- Vegetables Recommended for Virginia
- Integrated Pest Management Ideas for Vegetable Gardens
- Tomatoes
- Fertilizing the Vegetable Garden
- Irrigating the Home Garden
- Vegetable Planting Guide and Recommended Planting Dates