Request a speaker for your event


Extension Master Gardeners are happy to speak at your meeting or event about pertinent gardening topics.  To request a speaker, email our volunteer coordinator at

Please include the following in your email

  • Your name and organization you are representing
  • Date, time, and location of the event
  • Topic you are interested in

See below for list of available talks


Turn your trash to treasure!  Composting is the natural decomposition of leaves, grass clippings and other organic materials.  Learn how to ditch the expensive additives by expediting the creation of your own “black gold”.  Tales from the compost bin will be shared as well as trouble shooting tips.


Do you hate going outside when the weather isn’t perfect?  This is your casting call!  Slide on into vermicomposting, the art and science of making compost from kitchen scraps indoors.   Great for apartment dwelling gardeners, you just need to find some wiggle room!  You will see live worms in a compost production, “As the Worm Turns”!

Teas from the Garden

Tea time!  If gardening is your cup of tea, learn how to identify edibles – wild and landscaped - and turn them into your daily brew.

Common Herbs

Be a thyme traveler by exploring the history, legend, and culture of popular culinary herbs. Become an herb sage as you learn to grow, harvest, preserve and use some common herbs.

Rain Gardens

Downpour delights: dive into a vibrant rain garden oasis brimming with native plants. How?  Put on your galoshes and explore the step-by-step process of creating your wet wonderland.  Submerge yourself into the beneficial world of water loving plants to create a landscape sanctuary.   Rain barrel basics will be covered.  You will be brimming with ideas!

Landscaping with Native Plants

Create backyard bounty to provide food and habitat for pollinators and wildlife.  Discover a diverse array of native plants providing year-round beauty for you and benefits for all critters.

Native Plants: What’s the Buzz?

Do you want to see more birds, wildlife and pollinators in your landscape?  Discover how native plants support a diverse ecosystem and why they are a good choice for your future plantings.

Beneficial Insects

STOP!  Before you squish that bug, join us to find out how different insects are helpful to our gardens and flower beds. You will learn why it is important to encourage insects to visit your garden and how to attract them by knowing what they eat, where they sleep, and how to identify them in their various life stages.

House Plants

If you really like plants but don’t like going outside, try house plants! Learn which plants will thrive in neglect and which ones want extra love.  Take a deep breath and connect to nature indoors.  Let your plants refresh your air, while you learn how to pick your new roommates – house plants.

Creative Containers

 Do you have a plant that is too aggressive to put in with your other plants? Or too finicky to be planted in basic soil? Or are you short on space, but want a big impact?  You’ll have to contain your excitement when you learn how to showcase that gorgeous plant in a way that keeps it in check.

How Insects See the World

Googly eyes, 3-D, thousands of tiny lenses.  You will be bug-eyed when you discover how insects discover the world!

Fall Garden Clean-up

Are you tired at the end of the garden season?  Let’s just put the baby to bed without a bath.  Learn sustainable ways to overwinter your garden and landscape while conserving your energy.

Fall Colors

Breath in the crisp, cool air of autumn and enjoy the brilliant palette nature paints for us.  Discover why the intensity of fall colors varies from year to year. Learn about some of the reliable plants you can add to your landscape to add a pop of color in the fall!

Spotted Lantern Fly

Meet our newest invader, the impact it has on our ecosystem and what you can do to minimize its presence in your garden and beyond.

Soil Building

Pollinator Gardens

Home Grown Foods

Starting a Garden

Perennial Planters

Native Bees

Winter Seed Sowing

Growing Vegetables: Best Practices 

 Invasion Series: Plants, Insects, & Plant Disease 
Fruits In the Home Garden
Plants + Medicine